Anything wrong with my queen trigger?


New Member
I just got a 2" Queen trigger today from an online store. It took awhile today for it to get acclimated but is now swimming around.
The only thing I noticed about it, is its body is somewhat faded. I seen pictures of queen triggers and they are bright yellow.
I through some flake food in there and he ate it, I also noticed him biting pieces of live rock.
Is the faded color from stress from shipping and being in a new tank?
I went through the pictures of the different diseases and can't really find any thing that matches it


Active Member
Not at all uncommon. These fish can display a wide range of stress coloration, including mottling, and fading. The colors will alo intensify as it matures but even adults can fade if annoyed.
Be sure to offer it a good variety of meaty foods, and soaking them in supplements won't hurt either.


Staff member
Also, if you want this fish to thrive, you'll need to offer it a variety of foods, not flakes exclusively.