Anyway to chemically destroy hair algae?


I have done every precaution for over 3 months now and it gets better then comes back full force. Is there any chemical that will totally destroy ALGAE even if it kills my corralline? I am to the point of almost breaking my system down over this because its becomming way to much work. I am using 0-1 TDS RO/DI water and skimming heavy. Doing water changes. Ripping it out. Put heavy curtains up to block sunlight. Running Nitrate and Phosphate sponges for 2 days at a time multiple times. Scrubbed all the rocks down under saltwater. Added a Lawnmower Blenny. All readings are at 0. Does anyone know a chemical that can be used like the ones for freshwater that eliminates algae?


The only product I was able to find was ALGONE has anyone heard of this or recommend or comdemn it?


When I first set up my tank I had hair algae problems. Went and bought 6 mexican turbo snails placed them on the problem spots and with in 72 hour 90% was gone. These guys are better than lawnmowers.:) Now and then some pop up and with in a day or two the snails tracks it down and its gone. This is just my experience and I am no expert


Now there is much debate in using a UV sterilizer on a reef tank and take this with a large grain of salt, but personally I see no problems with using one - many of the best reef tanks I've seen ran one. That being said, a UV sterilizer, properly hooked up, will rid your hair algae, and other types of of algae as well. For some reason, it doesn't seem to destroy coraline, though - a good thing.


Active Member
There is a chemical my lfs reccomended to me called Microbe-Lift Special Blend. Its not a chemical really, it a bacterial additive they have used on a few a thier tanks & have had amazing results. I dosed my tank with it a week ago & it seems to be helping a bit. It is a month long schedule for dosing so hopfully it will work good for me too. If you read my other post here called "Will the algae ever go away" youll see I have been fighting hair algae for awhile now too. Good luck & HTH.
BTW - Do you have a white dusty film that builds up on everything too?


I agree with eaglefan. Get some turbo snails. Any type. you can't have to many IMO. You will not believe the work they do! My 75 gallon has probably 40 snails of different types in it.


Another, somewhat controversial suggestion could be to put a juvi sailfin tang in there. It'll gobble up the stuff. However, your tank, although fine for a juvi sailfin, will be unsuitable as it starts to grow and you'll have to give/sell it back to the LFS or someone you know with a much larger tank. The thing is, instead of finding something that will consume it only to have it continually grow again, you need to find out where the source of this algae is coming from. Do you refill/water change with RO/DI water? Does your tank get natural sunlight at all?
EDIT: Duh, just read that you use RO/DI water for changes/top offs.