anyway to hide the wires?


hey guys
i have my heater and the skimmer in the sump so the wires and nothing is hanging from the tank
is there any tricks or anyway to hide the electrical cords i have coming out from my powerheads and the air line tubing for my bubble wall? ( very small bubbles, like mist, it looks really nice):)
thank you JR
Black plastic convoluted tobing OR Lowe's (not Home Depot) sells gloss black rubber tubing. Not the flat black rubber junk, but gloss black. It looks REALLY nice. I've used it for numerous things and with my black background, it blends right in.

sal t. nutz

You can drill an additional hole in teh overflow and create a dry chamber to run cords directly into the stand.


I cheated and poped a hole in the wall behind the stand, ran flex conduit down the wall to a small pocket at floor level. Wires go into conduit behind hood, come out at floor level behind sump.
make sure if you do this to use conduit. Just added protection from screws, heat, anything that could scrape/cut electrical cords. Also besure and run string through the conduit so you can "pull" wires through.
Simply tie string to wire ( and tie second string as well) pull cable through, untie 1st string... retie 1st string to second string and pull back to top.
Also make sure the conduit is big enough to hold the plugs.