

I have a 75 on the 2nd floor. I know of people who have 125g on the 3rd floor, but I wouldn't do it unless you have good renter's insurance..

nemo lover

I lived in an apartment that made it mandatory for you to have renters insurance if you had a fish tank. Is that legal?


Active Member
yes, in fact some apartments can deny u to have a fish tank but will allow u to have a monkey or some other common pet. When i had an apartment they ONLY let me have my 55 gallon tank because A) it was the bottom floor, B) i had renters and C) I put on my charm. Naa, i think three limit was 20 gallons and they charged u 250 dollars per pet, err tank i guess. But because i got renters, i think 300 a year i don't remember, i had like four tanks going and the best part was that if it broke all my ---- was covered, now my evil room mates, hahahhahahahha


Talking about tanks in apartments. I'm finally getting back into the hobby after a used tank I bought from my LFS exploded after a month or so on my 3rd floor apartment. The 2nd floor tried to sue me for damages to her computer and TV and the 1st floor was #$)%# because their couch got a little damp.
I decided no more tanks until I have a place of my own --- this finally happened 2 years later.

nemo lover

It a little off the subject, but it's about apartments.
At my sisters apartment complex. A pipe in her neighbors bathroom busted. Of course middle of the day no one home. The police had to come break a window try to stop the leak until maintenance got there. It took 12 hrs to just clean up the water that was with carpet cleaners and neighbors helping. The apartments next door didn't flood just a little water damage to the wall. The ladys apartment and the apartment under was flooded their bed, tv, dvd, couch, entertainment center, carpet, radio,computer, pictures on the wall all were trashed. They were'nt to happy but in this case had no one to blame. So they just soaked it up and helped each other. Nothing was paid for just the damage to the apartment -half a** fixed. My advice to anyone renting is get renters insurance. Its well worth it. oh and these were new apartments maybe two years old.


A 90 gallon on an upper floor, fortunately with out any problems.
Originally posted by nemo lover
At my sisters apartment complex. A pipe in her neighbors bathroom busted. Of course middle of the day no one home. The police had to come break a window try to stop the leak until maintenance got there. It took 12 hrs to just clean up the water that was with carpet cleaners and neighbors helping. The apartments next door didn't flood just a little water damage to the wall. The ladys apartment and the apartment under was flooded their bed, tv, dvd, couch, entertainment center, carpet, radio,computer, pictures on the wall all were trashed.

Ouch thats pretty painful, atleast they all pitched in and helped eachother.