apastia (sp?): what do they do?



Okay. why are apastia (sp?) anemones (?) so bad? I recently got a new piece of tonga branch and just superglued one that i saw, and there is one more that I have noticed that i keep trying to tweeze off, but have been missing. I will try and deal with it sometime this week, but now my rockwork aesthetic has been comprimised because i cant get it back quite in the same spot it was in b4 i took it out to glue the critter. What do they do that is so horrible? thanx


lol 'detritus talker', so, i accidentally (when trying to tweeze) pulled an arm off one and it floated away...that wont turn into a new one, will it?

angler man

Originally Posted by alexa11
Oh crackerjacks!
I'm kidding, sort of....
If you start to see these things boil some RO water and take a syringe and blast them. They will melt away. If they get out of control, you can buy a pepermint shrimp. Aiptasia is like a Twix bar to them. Mmmmm...Twix bar!


Oh nice, thanks. Now onto the next question...i have a cleaner shrimp and sexy shrimp. will throwing a pepperment shrimp in the mix be alright (i'm not planning on it...only if i suddenly get the '50')
you had me scared for a minute there...but then thinking and trying to work out how one little tenticle could branch into 50...

angler man

Originally Posted by alexa11
Oh nice, thanks. Now onto the next question...i have a cleaner shrimp and sexy shrimp. will throwing a pepperment shrimp in the mix be alright (i'm not planning on it...only if i suddenly get the '50')
you had me scared for a minute there...but then thinking and trying to work out how one little tenticle could branch into 50...
I don't think you would have an issue, but I would start a new thread if that time comes just to be safe with the compatibility of all three.