Originally posted by overanalyzer
Well you have two different situations.
First - I don't think the 12 and seahorses combo is easy to do (need to feed those suckers quite a bit and they like vertical tanks). If you are going with minature horses or dwarfs then that is cool. But in that type of tank less rock and more macro algeas and sea grasses for them to hook their tails on to ... so I would just go with one or two small pieces of cool looking branching rock....
Second - the frogfish - could potentiall out grow a 12 gallon tank (article on them a year or two ago and most get 4-5" in length - so that would place it in a 30 or so gallon tank). They are big waste producers - so the water chemistry needs to be monitored closely!! I would suggest just building it a decent sized cave - so that you can see it .... but so it will feel safe and sheltered and not stressed.
So in both cases I would recommend more research and planning (to ensure if you need a bigger tank down the road yo uhave one) and then to buy the rocks to help accent the tank and not as a main focus of filtration -especially in the case of the seahorses .....
Good luck and sorry if you have done exhaustive research and are prepared ... just wanted to throw up the caution flag!!
No thank you for the advice...But the books and articles(in mags) i have suggest that a smaller tank is ok with a pair of adult yellow seahorses(tank-bred), i have read they perfer a smaller tank and it is easier to feed them, like you said they need to eat alot and in a bigger tank it is harder for them to get food. and yes grass and macro alge is going to be a huge part of their tank, the reason for not going with a more vertical tank is that it is harder to maintain water qiulity or so i have read... As for the angler...A few things i have read is that a 10 gal tank will be fine for a lone wartskin frog fish...as for thier waste it is fairly big so it can actully be spotted and removed....
Thanks for the advice...
Anyone else care to elaborate on how much rock is good in a small tank?