

Active Member
get rid of it ASAP or it will spread and overrun your tank. Joes-juices works like magic or you could boil water and inject it into the mouth of the aptaisa via syringe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xxblink269xx
that wouldnt hurt anything would it?
as long as the rock isn't really big and you don't boil it while its still in the tank it should be fine. But I wouldn't boil anything bigger than rubble size.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xxblink269xx
lol i dont think i could fit my tank on my stove

its like a 1 and a qauter pound rock what do u think?
that doesn't seem that big so you should be fine. IMO, it would be alot easier to uses joes juice than to have to take out the rock, disturb the inhabitants, boil the rock, and then have to cure it for 4 months. JMO.


Active Member
I am not of fan of boiling rocks not only do you kill the aptasia but you kill everything living in the rock, what is the point of buying live rock if you are going to kill everything in it and where I live live rock is extremely expensive. The bacteria will eventually recover but there are thousands of different organisms that live on and inside of your live rock they will never recover.
Recipie for DIY joes juice:
Go to the grocery store and pick up a bottle of Mrs wages pickling lime. You will want to mix about 2 parts saltwater from your tank with 1 part pickling lime. Do this by bringing the saltwater to a boil and then pour the lime in while stirring, you will end up with a paste that can be used in a syringe and applied to the oral disk of the aiptasia. Just make sure you turn off all of your pumps and powerheads before treatment and then leave them off for about 20min afterwords also make sure you don't jab the aiptasia with the syringe just hold it above the aiptasia and let the paste fall onto the aiptasia and it will eat the paste.
If you keep corals you can use the leftover pickling lime to make kalkwasser that you can drip into your tank to supplement your calcium and alk.
thanks ive been to almost every store in my area and cant find any joes juice so ill try the diy point of it where would i get a syringe? what do u think about the pepperment shrimp idea?


Active Member
For a syringe try a livestock feed & supply store, sometimes pet stores have them, and vetinary clinics. Not sure what else you have in your area but that would be a good start.
I haven't had any luck with peppermints of course I can't keep them long term because of my Sally Lightfoot crab, but others have had good luck with them. Even with peppermints I would kill any aiptasia that you can see and let the peppermints take care of the ones you can't see.


I found my first aptaisia the other day and one squirt of boiling water seemed to obliterate it.
chocolate chip starfish
do the eat apitaisa ? ive had mine in my tank for about a week and for the past few days it seems that it is eating the aptiasa on my rock . its not a bad thig i was jw if it was normal


Active Member
Not normally that I am aware of but they are opportunistic feeders so if there is nothing more appetizing I could see them eating aiptasia.


Active Member
What syringe are you guys using and how do you do this without the Aptisa closing up. They are pretty quick.


Active Member
I use a 5ml syringe, and the trick is not to touch them and try not let your shadow fall on them if you can this isn't as important as not touching them though. Also move slow they can sense quick movements in the water near them.


I've tried the DIY Joe's Juice and my aiptasia always come back a couple days later. They melt away like I killed them and then bam just like that they come back even bigger than before!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
I've tried the DIY Joe's Juice and my aiptasia always come back a couple days later. They melt away like I killed them and then bam just like that they come back even bigger than before!
I have successfully killed thousands in my tank with the DIY Joes juice, if they look normal when they come back its not the same aiptasia. The kalkwasser will burn the tenticles off, I occasionally have one survive but it usually doesn't have any tenticles left and it takes it a few days to come back out again. Usually when you see aiptasia pop back up in the same location it was pieces of the foot the had disected before you treated the parent anenome.
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22

Can you just reach in the rock and snatch these guys out with forceps or something?
If you try to pull them out with forceps you will leave pieces behind and each piece can turn into a full grown aiptasia plus it stresses them which increases the rate at which they reproduce.
Originally Posted by natclanwy
If you try to pull them out with forceps you will leave pieces behind and each piece can turn into a full grown aiptasia plus it stresses them which increases the rate at which they reproduce.
Gotcha, glad I haven't done that yet!