aptasia help!


Active Member
i bought some kalk mix called kent marine kalkwasser mix to kill my aptasia.so how much should i add to the water,how long should i wait,any precautions to take?


Active Member
I think you mix just enough for it to become pastey, then zap them. Try to keep it off of any corals. From what I hear they burn up in minutes. (the aiptasia that is) :D


Active Member
Turn down the flow as much as possible. Put some kalk in a cup and then enough water to make a thick paste. Find the Aip and cover it with Kalk. When I do it I leave my pumps off for a little bit because that kalk paste will float around a little.


Active Member

Originally posted by Nas19320
Put some kalk in a cup and then enough water to make a thick paste. Find the Aip and cover it with Kalk.

how much water?how much kalk?
do i take the thick pastey stuff or the liquid?


Active Member

Originally posted by YellowTail
how much water?how much kalk(tsp.)?
do i take the thick pastey stuff that settles to the bottom or the liquid?


Active Member
There really isn't a measurement as to how much, the thicker the better. Just watered down enough so you can suck it up.


Active Member
how much is too much to add to my tank at one time?(kalk)
if i turn off flow i can do this in tank right?


Active Member
I wouldn't go crazy with the Kalk. Do a few today, few tommorrow and you'll be fine. I really don't have an infestation of them so I usually only do a couple at a time. Do you have a pH monitor?


New Member
This month I am going to start a series of articles on pest and algae control in reef aquarium farm tanks. You can rid your tank of these pests by this method
Prepare stock solution
1. 1 tsp. pickling lime - food grade calcium hydroxide
2. 2 tbls. tap water.
boil water and lime in microwave for 40 sec.
keep closed plastic container in cool place.
You will need a vet syringe from a pet store that sells vaccinations
This mixture comes out of the needle very thick. You do not need to inject the Aiptasia.
Just release a small amount on to the aiptasia and it will take it in. This mixture seems to stick to the
anemone, but it does not stick to the other inverts. We also use this mixture on problem hair algae.
We have killed 20 or 30 at a time in 55 gallon reefs and it did not hurt anything


New Member
Sorry for sounding like I wrote the above post. It's from G.A.R.F.,
a very infomitive site of marine bioligest & school.