aptasia help


Active Member
I had this issue on my 210 and I got 2 pepermint shrimp, apt is all gone now and they along w/my coral banded make for a good clean up crew!!!


Originally Posted by CGRANT
I had this issue on my 210 and I got 2 pepermint shrimp, apt is all gone now and they along w/my coral banded make for a good clean up crew!!!
I already have 2 cleaner shrimp in my 35, would that one pepermint get along with them in that size tank?


Peppermint shrimp are ok w cleaners. Use a turkey baster with hot water, works, I also used peppermints in my 120-


Active Member
i have been battling aptasias for a while in my 180g display tank..... tried peppermints to no avail.... lion fish ate them b4 i could tell if they would work...... then tried kalking them that didnt work.... they came back and spread rapidly.... tried a copperbanded butterfly fish .... too sensative and never ate finally died after 2 weeks
then i got some Bergia Nudibranch's..... got these about 3-4 months ago only 8 of these lil 1/2" things and i seen some results in the patch i put them within a week.... things have slowly gotten better and today when inspecting im about 85-90% aptasia free..... so its always a consideration but they are pretty pricey and all they eat is aptasias


Copper Banded Butterfly Fish Will Do The Work If You Dont Have Any Feather Dusters Your Parcail Too ,or Chem-marin Stop Aiptasia That Works Really Well Did It For Me,AND ITS REEF SAFE TO USE