Aptasia or Curly Q Anenome


Hello all:
I thought I had aptasia, but now I'm not so sure. I called the local fish store and and discribed it as: a clear multi tenacled specimen whose tentacles looked like they had spirals in them. He asked if that was the only one in the tank and I said yes. He then informed me that if it was aptasia it would have spread through out the tank. It has not done this, but has grown a lot over the last few months. The local fish store seems to think I have a curly q anenome. Does anyone have any pictures so that I can compare?
The curlie-q anemone is in the same family as the common aptasia. I had one in my tank that came in with the live rock. It didn't really spread like the aptasia's. When I introduced peppermint shrimp they took right after the curlie-q and destroyed it.


I currently have a CBS, but would trade him in to get some peppermints. How many can you put in a tank? If it's just one I'll keep the CBS as he's gotten huge and is really active in the tank.
I guess it depends on the size of your tank but you can definitely put in more than one peppermint in a tank. I have 3 in my 55 gallon. I also have a CBS. I'd check around on the boards to see what people say about having a huge CBS and then trying to introduce other shrimp. I'm not sure but that might be a problem.


rroberts, i have the same thing and i also am not sure if it is aiptasia, i have had mine about 6 months and it has not spread, it is now about 3", very pale pink (almost clear) and has white spirals down it's tentacles, i don't know for sure what it is, but i'm not going to kill it unless it spreads


Saltwaterdave. What is the name of that in the pic you posted? I have a few small ones.