

New Member
I have Aptasia in a FOWLR tank. can someone please explain why this stuff is soo bad?? Also what impact it can have. Ive heard it will take over your tank how so?? Its been in there about 5 weeks and hasnt hurt anything yet. any help would be appreciated


Active Member
they do spread fast.. i had one when i started my tank,... before i could get stuff to kill him he made himself 4 more friends around the tank.. dont know how much of a problem they are in a fish only tank.. alot of people dont find them atractive either.


If they aren't bothering you right now, leave it alone until they are. Keep in mind that the more there are, the quicker they will multiply, i.e. it took several weeks before 1 aptasia turned into to or three, but hardly any time at all for those 2 or 3 to turn into 10 or so.
At that point I decided to get some peppermint shrimp. They have eaten the smaller ones and appear to be keeping new ones from coming up, and the aptasia that they haven't eaten yet seem to be scared. Before I got the peps they were always expanded with their tentacles fully extended, now that they have a predator in the tank, they take a much lower profile and aren't nearly as noticable as before.
There are plenty of posts on this board about killing them. I don't know whats in your tank, but if you can't have peppermint shrimp because some of your fish would eat them, I saw a thread a few weeks back about something called Joe's Juice that seemed to work really well.