aqua c or asm skimmer????


New Member
Need help deciding on a new skimmer. Aqua c EV series or ASM+recirc mod? I was also considering a euro-reef RS recirculating skimmer, ($$$$$$$$$) Which would you do and why? Or if you can suggest something better Im all ears. Im not to concerned with cost, just efficiency. It will be replacing an ASM G2 on a 150 reef. Thanks.


Active Member
I just bought the Aqua c EV240 with the iwaki md40 pump and it is great, very little noise and the skimmer kicks A$%. I need more bioload so the skimmer has something to do. Highly recommend.


Active Member
I also would suggest the EV series skimmers from AquaC. Unless you spend the extra money on an Euroreef, the EV skimmers are some of the better ones out there.


Active Member
I just bought the EV-180 for my 90 gallon reef tank with the Mag 7. It has been running for about 3 days now and so far I love it. It is quiet and starting to pull out some nice gunk.


i bought the euro reef cs8 3 i do a lot of research and the true is that a lot of : aqua ev skimmer , euro reef , and even mrc post a lot of probelm and they are the brand name skimmer and most popular. more then that a lot of ppl give very good feedback to asm skimmer ( a lot of member keep 2 skimmer ) and you can see that they decide to buy the second one as asm and they give again very good feedback to this skimmer.more then that you will be surprise that the big jebo skimmer have a very good feedback to and bottom line it's a big different ,honest i already buy my skimmer but it's cost $600 if i could to return the wheel back i would take the chance and buy first the big jebo one about $100. i suggest to you to read a lot on mrc member club , euro reef member club and the aqua skimmer member club to it's big headache they are real brand name and i was confuse to.


Active Member
Depending on you wallet will dictate alot of what you buy, but I wouldn't spend the extra cash period on the EuroReef, because they don't preform any better than an ASM other than skimmer material they are constructed out of......Plus their CS isn't all that hot as well....Aqua C makes some very nice skimmers so either way you would get a good product, just price might be a deciding factor when you sit down and really compare "alike" skimmers.


Things I dont like:
1) Recirc because less water volume enters the skimmer body. Not worth the money.
2) Aqua C because you need a very large pump to provide the pressure .... waste of energy.


Active Member
Just a little research on pumps and energy consumption:
I am not sure what people would consider to be "large" energy consumption but here is some info:
Mag 500 35W
Dolphin 560 40W
Iwaki 40rlt 35W
Rio 2100 40W
Sen 700 50W
MAG 700 55W
Dolphin 800 50W
Iwaki 20 45W
Rio 3100 65W
Sen 900 70W
Mag 1200 75W
LG 4 MDQ 70W
Iwaki 30rlt 60W
MAK4 85W
I am not sure what the cost dirfference between a 40W and a 60W pump would be over a year but, I would guess not that much. Anyone know the answer?


Where did you get your wattage numbers from? This is the info I got on the Mag series pumps. Mag Drive 7 70 watts, Mag Drive 9.5 93 watts and Mag Drive 12 110 watts.


I was looking at the power consumption of the
- Iwaki MD40 (228 Watts) - FISHY 7 Pump on the EV240
- Little Giant 4 MDQ (150 Watt) - Recommended for EV240
- Mag 9.5 (couldn't get # for Sedra 9000 - 93 W). - Pump on the largest ASM skimmer


Active Member
JD Boy,
I took mine from the user manual from AquaC. It gives a breakdown of the watts for these pumps. Where did you get yours from? Must be a misunderstanding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lepete
Things I dont like:
1) Recirc because less water volume enters the skimmer body. Not worth the money.
2) Aqua C because you need a very large pump to provide the pressure .... waste of energy.
Recirc is more effecient at removing "junk" from the water and increases contact time as well........Justice I think the ASM G2 might be alittle undersized for the 150!!!!! You could do the recirc mod yourself.....If you want raw stripping power you might want to look at a Beckett skimmer, but like mentioned earlier all skimmers have their headaches and just have to decided which ones you can live with....You should also check out the GEO line of skimmers as well.....


Originally Posted by FISHY7
JD Boy,
I took mine from the user manual from AquaC. It gives a breakdown of the watts for these pumps. Where did you get yours from? Must be a misunderstanding?

I wasn't beating on you or anything just was curious on the numbers. I got the MagDrive info off the *********** site. I was wandering myself about wattages because of the wavemaker I was looking at.


Active Member
I've always wondered why people say needlewheel skimmers are more energy efficient than Beckett skimmers when on some needlewheel skimmers you have 3 or 4 smaller pumps verses 1 big pump.....Again depending on the efficiency of the pumps, but people will 98 percent of the time say needlewheels are more efficient. Why???? :notsure:


Active Member
I did not take it that way. Hard to tell sometimes. Appologize for my brash comments.

Any who.... We are all in this hobby together and need to help each other out! I looked around and did not find much...but I called Aqua C and he said those numbers were accurate.
Who is right? I guess the electric bill will be paid either way.
Sure would be nice to know... I know when I was looking at pumps, WATTS was the first item on my list. Who needs one that draws 100 watts when it can be done for 60.
Let me know if you find any other charts. I think we all can benefit. :happyfish


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I've always wondered why people say needlewheel skimmers are more energy efficient than Beckett skimmers when on some needlewheel skimmers you have 3 or 4 smaller pumps verses 1 big pump.....Again depending on the efficiency of the pumps, but people will 98 percent of the time say needlewheels are more efficient. Why???? :notsure:
I look at this way..
Needwheel doesn't require any head pressure to work.
Downdraft requires a pressure rated pump which means more wattage for the same flow.


Active Member
I''m not arguing, but would actually like to see some number comparing a Sequence pressure rated pump compared to 3 or 4 Sedra pumps????? For raw skimming power you can't beat a Beckett skimmer though