Aqua-C Remora question...



I posted this in the Equipment forum, but there are always more people in this forum, so please excuse the double post. I need an answer...
I have an Aqua-C Remora HOB skimmer on my 18 gal QT. There is only about 5-10 lbs of LR in the QT right now (no fish, inverts, etc.). The skimmer has been running perfectly up to now.
Today I added a Rena Filstar XP-1 to the system. There is ONLY sponge filters in the Filstar. The purpose for the Filstar is to take on bacteria and become the bio-filter for when I pull the LR after cycle.
So now my Remora is going CRAZY :scared: Its dumping basically tank water into the cup. The water is still bubbling up, but VERY thin.
What's causing the problem? Should I just unplug the skimmer? If so, for how long?
I do notice a small increase in microbubbles, but nothing significant. Am I seeing some sort of filter "covering"?


New Member
There may be some oil or something like that on the Filstar. I have noticed my Remora sometimes after water changes, or working in my tank skims differently. I would just leave it on and let it skim out what ever has contaminated the water.
Tony L.