Aqua-EV120/ ASM G2 owners


I need help! I have a clearance problem with my skimmer section on my sump and am in need of some measurement help.
The bottom section of my sump I have 9L x 10H x 14D clearance.
Then it reduces down to 7L x 4H x 14D.
Clearance above the sump is 6 inches.
I am looking for a skimmer that will work with my 125g tank and my sump/fuge which holds about 30g when filled with 10 inches of water.
Katz :help:


Do these skimmers narrow as they go up in length. The bottom of my sump has more room then the top of my sump. So I can fit a skimmer in that area if the skimmer narrows as in goes up.