aqua medic calciumreactor


New Member
just got my calciumreactor with a ph computer i did every thing it asked but my reading 7.57 i think it has to be at 6.50 i have no clue plz help


Active Member
The pH in the reactor depends on the type of media you are using. Typically though the pH in the reactor is between 6-6.5. Some media brands, such as A.R.M., the pH doesn't have to be as low to dissolve the media, say 6.8.
To lower your effluent pH from your reactor, you can do two things
-decrease your effluent drips per minute, and/or
-increase your bubbles per minute of CO2


New Member
well the media i got came with the aqua medic calciumreactor not to sure what it is 6.5 or 6.7 the ph computer is 7.59 is that to high


Active Member
Yes, 7.59 is very high for a Ca reactor, and most likely you are not dissolving any Ca at all. Of course the only way to find out is to test your effluent from the reactor for Alkalinity. It should be at least 25 dKH coming out of the reactor.


New Member
ok now i got it at 6.42 all most at 6.5 and i will do the test to find out. thanks alot Hurt need the help