Aqua Panel LED Light?


So I found this light..... I'm wondering if it would work on my tank? (40 gallon) I posted in the lighting section too but no replies yet.....all about instant gratification!! Anyway The company Sunshine Systems, has the Aqua Panel and Aqua UFO. I'm wondering if the Aqua Panel is a good choice... I have mostly LPS corals. Has anyone heard of or have these? THANKS!!
alot of us here are old school and run MH and T5 systems still and I can't think of anyone here who has LEDs
the background stats on the system look good for coral growth (although the 6,500k bulbs scare me a little)


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///t/389100/aqua-panel-led-light#post_3436258
alot of us here are old school and run MH and T5 systems still and I can't think of anyone here who has LEDs
the background stats on the system look good for coral growth (although the 6,500k bulbs scare me a little)
Well, I have LEDs for one. Meowzer is building hers.


Active Member
I thought I had responded to your thread in another forum on here, but honestly they aren't worth the money IMHO....As mentioned here as I did in the other thread the 6500k isn't very appealing....Great for growth, but I don't think you'd see good growth even with the 6500k on this fixture......
Clown Keeper LEDs are a hot/big topic....


Well-Known Member
Color wise it's the same as everyone else who's running cool white and blue leds. It doesn't look like they give the same pop as the royal blue's though. The fixture has 114 leds and only uses 32 watts. That's just over a 1/3rd of a watt per led...that's pretty weak. The photos on the site show it over a tank full of softies. I'd steer clear. Try looking into the Reef Koi's. They've made some pretty nice upgrades to their fixtures.


Well, I'm glad I asked!! It's time for my to change my T5 bulbs, so I thought for the price of this unit, I could go LED instead...... I guess not :(


Active Member
Well, how much are you looking to spend? It might be a good idea to wait another year to go LED. There are some good options out there now, but they are expensive. More manufactures are developing their own fixtures, and in turn the LED market is going to be more competitive. This means for the consumer more options and more competitive prices. Also, the new radion fixture that just came is the first one to experiment with the red and green color spectrum.
However if you really, truly want to go LED the aqua illumination SOL blue just dropped their price. You can get 2 modules, controller and rail for around 738.96. I have a thread going about the pros and cons in the lighting section.


Wow! Not that much! It's going to cost me about $100 to replace my bulbs, so I was thinking $50- $100 more would be ok to go LED (The "aquapanel" is only $150) Eventually when we build a house I will be upgrading to much bigger I guess it will be better to see how far LEDs have come by then ( hopefully 2 years ) I guess for now I will just get new T5 bulbs! I'm thinking ATI bulbs. Which combo would be best? I like a crisp color, no yellow, something that might make my coral stand out more. I have wave point bulbs now.
If you can bite the bullet and buy the marineland LED's, you won't be sorry
My LFS has these and they keep everything from softies to clams with good growth
Acrilic51 I know that LEDs are big but I just couldn't think of anyone who had them


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///t/389100/aqua-panel-led-light#post_3436697
If you can bite the bullet and buy the marineland LED's, you won't be sorry
My LFS has these and they keep everything from softies to clams with good growth
Acrilic51 I know that LEDs are big but I just couldn't think of anyone who had them
The marineland LED's really aren't that great.


Yeah I think I'm going to stick with the T5's until I upgrade my tank..... I'm going with ATI bulbs; 1 blue special, 2 blue plus, and 1 true actinic. Or should I do 2 true actinic and 1 blue plus? This is all so confusing!!


New Member
Led aquarium lights are very good,The led aquarium light can help coral and
Grasses grow,it also can makes your aquarium looks beautiful.
Cidly’s grow light are very good and cheap.