AquaC Remora Series Hang-On Skimmer


New Member
I see AquaC has a new hang-on skimmer is on the market. Has anybody had any experience with AquaC skimmers? I'm in no rush to be one of the first people to take the risk of buying and trying this new skimmer out. Lifereef has a nice hang-on skimmer that I have been considering getting eventually.
[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 02-18-2000).]


New Member
I have a 75 gallon with two damsels, about 15 crabs and 20 snails. I am getting a shipment of 25 lbs of live rock this week to add to my two small rocks with polyps. I currently have a Seaclone running with with my Fluval 404. I plan on adding more live rock and some corals in the future. I will also replace the damsels with a couple of good reef-dwelling fish. The Seaclone is sufficient for now, but I am shopping around for a replacement skimmer in the future.