AquaC vs. EuroReef



I'm starting my list....which product line is best for a sump protein skimmer? i've heard good about both companies.


Active Member
AquaC skimmers use a spray induction system to mix the air and water that creates the foam in the reaction chamber. These skimmers are great, but require a powerful pump to push more water through the injector to in turn, create better foam production.
Beckett skimmers (a type of skimmer that uses a somewhat similar style of bubble production to the AquaC) are also something to look at, though these skimmers require a very powerful pump to create good foam, but are great at removing DOCs from larger tanks. Some good Beckett skimmer brands to look at are: My Reef Creations, Aero Foamer, Precision Marine, and Barr Aquatic Systems.
Euro Reef skimmers are a whole different type of skimmer from the ones listed above, but do an equally as good job of skimming DOCs as the AquaCs and the Becketts. These skimmers use pumps that pull in water along with air and use a needle-wheeled impeller to chop both into fine bubbles. The pumps used on needle-wheeled skimmers are much more efficient than the pumps used on the skimmers listed above, especially when used on tanks under 125-150 gallons. Other needle-wheeled brands to look at are ASM and Geo's Reef.
Downdraft (ETSS) and venturi skimmers (Berlin) can also work well for a tank of your size, but have fallen out of favor to the AquaC EV skimmers, Beckett skimmers, and needle-wheeled skimmers.


Active Member

Originally posted by condork12
aquac ev skimmers are downdraft btw.

Really? I've always understood that downdraft skimmers use a pressure-rated pump to push lots of high-velocity water through a tower filled with bio balls to chop up the air water mixture.
From my understanding of the AquaC design, their patented "spray induction" system just uses a specially designed piece inside of the water inlet elbow to draw air into the water and creates a spray of fine bubbles.


actually i am mixing things up. hehe. i meant to say etss are downdraft skimmers. But downdraft skimmers work by having a pipe that comes up the middle of the reaction chamber and inputs water there. with water being mixed with air being shot up by another output. i have a marine technical concepts downdraft skimmer.


now I'm confused. My ETSS doesn't have a pipe that comes up the reaction chamber...:confused:


Active Member
Most of the ETSS skimmers I've seen have a seperate mixing tower, but they have a few smaller skimmers with mixing towers in the middle of the skimmer (I think those are the smaller models in their Evolution line of skimmers).


I think many would argue that the Euro-reef skimmers are better than the EV series from Aqua C, but at a higher cost. Personally, I'd get a ER instead of the EV.