Aquaclear filter siphoning


I have an Aquaclear 200 on my 50 gallon tank. Yesterday the electricity went off for about an hour and the water in the filter apparently siphoned back into the tank. I did not notice this until today. I am concerned that if this were to occurr while we were out for a few days it could be a real problem, not only for the lack of filtration but burning up the motor, etc.
Is this normal or can something be done about it?
Thanks in advance


we have an aquaclear filter system at our office. We have not had any problems with it. I can't imagine why it would siphon back into the tank. has anyone else had this problem?


That should not happen unless the water is below the open end of the siphon tube or very close. YOu might want to check this out and if it is close either put more water in the tank or extend the siphon tube. If the pump runs dry for some time it will burn up. Good Luck