Aquacontroller 2 and X-10 question


Hello - I need to get a PH controller and am considering buying a used Aqua controller 2, however, I have not heard very flattering comments about the X-10 modules. My house is 70 years old and the electric work is kinda spotty. I do not think that I could reliably trust the X-10 modules to perform their duties.
Anyways, are the aquacontroller 2's capable of running the DC8s or any other more reliable modules?
Thanks in advance for everyone's help.


Anyone have any experience with the AC II or X-10 sockets in generall that want to comment on thier reliability?


Active Member
X-10's are known to be unreliable....all sorts of things can cause interference with them.....Neptune does have somewhat of a fix, can't really recall off the top of my head, but it's wired I think in your breaker box.....You'd really have to go to there site and it's on there, but honestly they just aren't reliable.....How old is the ACII??? If the unit has the phone jack plug (not the technical name for the plug), it will work with the DC8's and DC4's or DC4HD's.........Again I would go to there site and check them out, and if you want good solid info on their products talk to them....HTH


Active Member
X-10 modules are wireless can find X-10's at Lowes and HD for controlling devices, but they are unreliable at times, and yes the DC8's or DC4HD's are the way to go in my book if running MH's.....I think they suggest MH lighting on DC4HD's