AQUAEL UniMax Pro 500 Canister Filter New Jersey


Would you be interested in a local trade?
I have a aqua c remora skimmer with the maxijet 1200 that I could trade you for it.
I just have a few quick questions.....what are the dimensions of it..... I cant find them anywhere.
Would you be willing to meet halfway... I am off of exit 7 of the turnpike.
Edit....thought you were looking for a skimmer. If your interested let me know


Actually, I have an aqua c Remora 1200 already. I just hate the bubbles. I'm off exit 15w (lincoln tunnel)... I wouldn't mind meeting you halfway- I'm looking for corals or liverock, I might be willing to do a trade... or a fish!


what is the diameter of the hose (inner and outer)? i gotta see how much it is to replace it... Also, why are you selling it?


7/8" - Diameter Outside
5/8" - Diameter Inside
I've gone to a HOB for the moment, but I'm upgrading to a 75gal soon so I want to do a sump/fuge. Overall, it's a good filter. Good water turn over, I only have a 55 Gal so it was more than enough. I used charcoal in one of the chambers (about 1.5 cups) and bought ceramic rings for the other open chamber. There are two more chambers - One has the bioballs (Included and boiled to clean them so they are not stinky) - and the 1st chamber is for mechanical filter (3 layers in one)
Once it was established, I only needed to clean it monthly.


$80 is as low as I'll go. I'm in NC until Sunday night. We can arrange a pick-up after that. Let me know what you want to do.