Aquapod 24 filtration?

old rookie

New Member
I have gone back and read many threads and so I have quesions. I just set my tank up last night. I have 25# of LR and 3# of LSand 150W HQi Lights
In the back chambers I have 2 not 3 chambes. I took the sponges out and put crushed Lr in. and put the ceramic rings in there and in the last chamber is the pump.
Now the questions.
1. Are these ceramic rings the same as carbon?
2. Do they go in the chamber with the LR or with the pump.
3. When I set it up hardly any water was getting into the back chambers so I filled manually, was that what i was suppose to do?
4. What is Purigen and do I need it and where does it go?
5. A lot of people are saying take down the covers to the intake valves. Those are the 1st chamber correct? Then How Break them or do they somehow come Out?
6.Where does filter floss go?
7. Are the lights suppose to be on during the cycle period? If so How many hours a day?
Please help me.


O.K. I'm a novice with only minimal experience. However, I do also have an Aqua pod 24. So I will answer what I absolutely know.
1. No. The ceramic rings are filter media to house beneficial bacteria. My LFS instructed me to place them in the chamber with the pump.
2. See answer # 1 lol
3. If you do not have the tank completely full the water has trouble getting through the slits at the top of the chamber on the right. Current has blocked off the slots below the top row.

5. What a lot of people are not telling you is that if you remove the plastic shield that blocks the lower portion of the intake, you will get general filtration but very little if any skimming off the top. (I left mine in and if the water is up to the top it works great.)
6. In the filter chamber where you removed the sponges from. I left the sponges in and I'm happy with it that way.
7. No. Lights will give you a lot of algae during your cycle.
Also, I would suggest moving the live rock pieces over to the chamber that contains the pump. that's really where it should be

Hope my advise is helpful.


I put 3.5 lbs of lr rubble in the chamber on the right, water flows in over the top of filter floss " blue filter fabric you can find any where and cut to fit" and down through the live rock..
It was also the same chamber all the media was in form the factory.
Leave the covers in so you get a good surface skim!!
Hope i was some help!