Active Member
Hola all, I've been using the existing threads here (among dozens of sources) for great info on putting together a 12 gallon nano tank for my son and it's doing great. It's been several months and I'd like to setup a nano tank for myself (waiting to buy a new house before going big). His tank is only a FOWLER but I'd like to do a mixed reef for myself with mostly soft corals in addition to the fish, lr/ls, etc. The tank kit I've been looking at is the Aquapod 24, and I'd prefer to get the 50/50 lighting instead of the metal halides ($ concern), however it only runs at 64 watts total. My understanding is that you'd want 3+ watts per gallon for coral, so my question is: does anyone use this base setup currently with corals successfully (successfully meaning a long time), or if not, should I just go with the 12 gallon aquapod that has 54 watt lighting? Thanks in advance!!