Aquapod 24 Lighting question


Active Member
Hola all, I've been using the existing threads here (among dozens of sources) for great info on putting together a 12 gallon nano tank for my son and it's doing great. It's been several months and I'd like to setup a nano tank for myself (waiting to buy a new house before going big). His tank is only a FOWLER but I'd like to do a mixed reef for myself with mostly soft corals in addition to the fish, lr/ls, etc. The tank kit I've been looking at is the Aquapod 24, and I'd prefer to get the 50/50 lighting instead of the metal halides ($ concern), however it only runs at 64 watts total. My understanding is that you'd want 3+ watts per gallon for coral, so my question is: does anyone use this base setup currently with corals successfully (successfully meaning a long time), or if not, should I just go with the 12 gallon aquapod that has 54 watt lighting? Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
Would anyone suggest the 29 gallon bio cube instead? I can't seem to find specs on the stock lighting in those...


Active Member
bump. Does anyone use either of these with stock lighting for soft coral? Thanks!


the biocube 29 and aquapod 24 have the exact same lighting, so watts/gallon, the aquapod has better lights. HOWEVER the biocube has better filtration IMO anyway, and is much nicer looking. Since you can always upgrade the lights, I would go witht he biocube. Both tanks' stock lighting will let you do only softies or low light corals so really there is no reason to go for the aquapod even with the slightly better light.