aquapod 24 wishlist...


Active Member
i have a aquapod 24g just done cycling. all factory equip. with about 25lbs of live rock. 20lb of live sand.
-2 cleaner shrimp
-3 mex. turbo snails
-4 hermit crabs
-1 blue the process of gettin rid of him before any fish is added.
-1 mandarin dragonet
-2 true clowns
-1 sixline wrasse
-1 scooter blenny.
I also want some soft corals also but want to do more research before i start with those.
You guys think this is to much for a 24g....


Active Member
The mandarin and scooter blenny live off a diet of pods only unless you can find ones already eating mysis, they are difficult fish to keep alive otherwise and need an established tank so I would cross those two off. Clowns would be fine, sixlines are pretty active but some people keep them in that size tank, most gobys and algea eating blennies would work.


Active Member
Im still new to salt water but not fish tanks. I would say yes that would be too much going by what people have said in here. I myself think you could get away with it providing you are up on your maintenance and dont let it go. As far as fish go, your main issue is going to be your selection of fish. Particularly the blenny and dragonet, they dont do well in small unestablished tanks. They need tons of live rock and a readily available supply of pods. The blenny has been known in the past to eat frozen however I have read that it is soley based on luck that the blenny will eat frozen. Unless you set up a refugeum or supply your tank often with pods your only other option would be to feed them by hand. There are a couple of people in here that do that but from what I have read it takes a lot of time. You will see that most people in here will tell you that the fish will live for some time but eventually they will perish. My ultimate fish is a manderin too, I was told by my LSF which has 2 marine biologists working for them, that it would be possible to have one but not for at least a year (its a rather upscale fish store) but I have found their knowledge to be top notch. I have about 20 to 25 lbs of live rock in my tank right now, 2 false perculas, one Royal Gramma, a cleaner shrimp, multiple hermits and snails, 2 star fish, a brittle star and a red sea star, a scallop one coral and a feather duster, so far all is well. My goal is a pygmy angel and in time 1 year to be exact a mandarin. my tank is a 29 biocube. Again my input is novice and I am only repeating what I have read in other posts. GOOD LUCK.