Aquarium Dust


Hi guys,
With patience and perseverance I have gotten rid of all algae and couldn't be happier.
My question though is I get this light brown dust on my glass after a day or two, It comes off with my mag scraper really easily. Is this normal for everyone here or would increasing my flow help prevent anything from settling on the glass, Its a 55 gallon tank and 20 gallon sump with a mag 9.5 return, small power head (300 g/h) keeping water flow behind the rocks moving and a hydor korlia (spelling?) 3 (rated 850 g/h) pointed across the tank.
I have LOTS of snails and clean up crew people, all they really do is making zig-zags clean marks through the dust
0 amm
0 trites
<5 trates
0 phosphate
2 clowns
1 flame angel
1 fuzzy lion
for inhabitants