aquarium for sea horse


New Member
Anyone, know anything about sea horses. I want some, but don't know waht kind of equipment to buy. Any ideas?


I do not know much about sea horse. I have read your other posts and came to understand that you do not have a tank :D. I suggest you start a new tank first. Do the whole thing, before thinking about the seahorse. You need to get your aquarium established first. The easiest way is to go to the section about setting up a new tank in There is a step-by-step instructions and also the equipments that you need to start a new tank. Later after you get your tank established, then you can think about getting a seahorse :).
As far as I know, keeping a seahorse is really hard because of its diet. I read on other post that if you want to keep sea horses, it will be nice if you can dedicate the whole tank for the sea horses. They have to be feed properly. But how exactly, I do not know. Sp maybe the others can help. But I think the others will agree that you need to establish a salt water tank first.
I hope that helps :).


u dont have to dedicate the whole tank to a sea horse u can also get something called a pipe fish which these need very simular care now i dont have any sea horses now but maybe after researchin and buildin a budget for tem i can get one in one or two years its best too know all you can know then start it up and once you get them in your tank you can learn some more


feeding them really isn't a problem as long as you can find some that will eat frozen food. they should be fed twice a day, like maybe 6 frozen mysis, enriched of course. there should also be one day a week for fasting. live food should be offered at least once a month. they love ghost shrimp! as do the pipefishes.
there are some other fish you can keep with them, like the banggai cardinals and some gobies, but if you're going to do that make sure you introduce the seahorses before the other fish.
i think you should decide whether you're going to do a seahorse tank or not before you buy the actual equipment because there are things to take into consideration. for example, height is more important to them than width. especially if you get a pair, they need lots of height to perform their mating dance! minimum height should be 18". they also don't like a strong current, so you don't want to stick them in a tank with like 4 powerheads.
hope that helps some. =)