Aquarium Insurance


Does anyone out there know if I can purchase aquarium insurance. I am setting up a 75 FOWLER, in my 2nd floor apartment. I am kinda freakin out about the weight and possible floods. Can you purchase aquarium insurance with renters insurance or separate? Please help.


Yes, you can. It's not covered under normal 'flood' insurance, from what I understand. You might try places that normally have home owners or apartment insurance plans. I think you have to list everything in it, size, etc. and how much it is all worth. It's kinda like taking insurance out on a piece of expensive jewlery. I know some folks have done it. I don't know if it can only be attached to Renters (or Homeowners) insurance or not.


Active Member
My tank is covered under my homeowners policy. It's not under any special provisions or anything like that.


I never knew anything kike that. My wife and I rent and that would really save our butts if god for bid something ever did happen, will have to check into that.:)


Just did a little research and found a company in Idaho that writes policies for aquariums and waterbeds. For $50/year, they cover you with a liability of $150K. I am getting a copy of the policy as we speak. I hope this works. Cause I am freaked my aquarium is going to crash through my floor and be in my neighbors apartment.:eek:


Those of you who say it is covered under your homeowners insurance, you better check again! I know a guy whose tank flooded all over his floor, etc. His insurance covered the floor and a couple other items damaged, but it did NOT cover the tank, anything inside, or any damaged equipment.


After hearing about a few guys losing everything in their setups due to the ice storm and losing power for quite a few days down south a while back I contacted my insurance company to see if my homeowners policy would cover this happening to me and was told definitely it was not covered. I never asked about leakage but maybe you ought to check out more than just a tank losing water. I know i'll check with my company on water leakage causing damage and coverage. I should think it would be the same as damage caused by a leaky or broken pipe but insurance companies don't like paying for anything.
We have USAA for both our car and renters insurance. I called shortly after setting up our tank and inquired how to include the tank on our policy. Bottom line IT IS NOT COVERED!!! I asked about (special coverage i.e. we pay a little extra a month to cover our laptop) and they said no. Soooo read your policy very closely. Better yet call and ask.:eek:


There are 2 items you must inquire into. 1.) Personal Property other words....the value of your set-up and what $$$ you would lose if it was destroyed. 2.) Personal Liability...this is how much $$$$ your damage would cost your neighbors and building owner....from a leak or fall through.
Each of these are seperate and one doesn't automatically cover the other......the reply about the water bed says it could have a $200 mattress leak and do $20,000 damage in a heartbeat.


Please let us all know this company in Idaho that will cover $150k of damage for $50/yr for aquariums. Since they don't sell insurance on this site, I'm sure they won't mind if you post a website or address/phone number of the company. Let us know so we can all investigate. Would be nice to know what they will cover according to how a tank flood happens. IE: if it's only for things like the tank busts at a seam or power outtage occurs, OR if it will also cover stupidity on my part like not plumbing something right or the HOT skimmer overflowing onto floor while on vacation because I had it turned up too high, etc. (NOTE to all: I have never had a flood yet, but I have only had my tank for 10 months now....just anticipating my stupidity :rolleyes: )


I just purchased the insurance myself, and it looks really good. I even had my mother who wrote insurance years back take a look at it and she said it looked good. If your interested, the website is:
(800) 337-0331
They cover aquariums too. If you call them, ask for Dorene. She was a pleasure to work with.
And lastly, if you want you could let her know that I informed you of this insurance. Only if you want though.
Michael Fleisher


Thanks Michael! I'm sure a lot of us will be checking it out. $50/yr is nothing compared to the extreme damage that could be done.
Much appreciation,


Most apartments will make you purchas a seperate insurance for your tank if it happens to break. I had a waterbed on a second floor apartment and they made me purchas insurance for this. Renters insurance willprobably only pay for what gets damaged if the tank breaks. Like your personal items.


I just called the Waterbed insurance co. and unfortunatley they only cover the damage that your broken tank would cause,ie: water damage to your floors or your neighbors.They do not cover any damages to your tank itself or your livestock.They will also not cover in the event of a fire but will in the event of an earthquake.


That was my biggest concern. I would be sad to lose my aquarium, but I would freaked out if my aquarium destroyed my landlords apartment complex. I am willing to give up the loss of my aquarium as long as the damage it may cause is covered. I think to cover the loss of the aquarium it self, you would special insurance, like that for art....
Just my $.02


I would keep it. If the contract dosent say anything about having one then they cant keep you from it. For example. My bro in law was hanging a picture in the washer room. He nailed through a high pressure water line that feeds the whole complex. This complex was just over a week old and he was the first to rent in it. It happened up stairs and water for 2 hours ran all down stairs and then some. His renters insurance paid for all his personal items that were lost. However the complex tried getting money and tried suing him BUT since no where in the contract did it say "Dont hang pictures in laundry room" or in your case (no aquariums) was found they could not do anything to him. However your in a different state than me and it may be different. JMO:)


Man! Can you imagine living peacefully in a ground floor apartment and WHAM! eee! I'm worried what would happen on the same floor as the tank should it crack! Hard to imagine adding gravity to that!