Aquarium Setup


New Member
I currently trying to learn as much as I can. I come from using fresh water setups for the last year. I am now in the mode of wondering what would be the best setup filtration vs. brand.
I have RO/DI system, 90G Bow Front RR, and wondering which filter to use, I like to buy the best for the $$$. So Best bang for my buck. I was looking at the proclear.
Next question, is, I really don't like seeing pipes in my tank, So I was going to try to hide the heater, and Protein Skimmer, and whatever else I need in the sump. Is it effective to do this???


Active Member
most people hv their heater and skimmer in the sump. it will work for sure. if u hv enough live rocks like 130-160 in ur case, filtration is not even necessary.


I think I can help you out with the disguising pipes part. You can mix one part portland cement 3 (2 or 1 work, but 3 is apparently better), to five parts CaribSea Aragonite gravel in order to make your own "rockitecture" in order to create any type of design you like in to cover up filters, pipes, etc. The only thing I would warn you about is to make sure that you don't cover up the intake areas of the pipes, etc.

Oh one other "minor" detail. Once you have created your structure, it needs to be placed in a freshwater container for 8 weeks with daily 100% water changes in order to prepare it for the tank. If this is not done, it will kill your tank off due to massive pH increases.
Is it a pain to spend all of that time preparing your structure for tank use? I'm sure it is, and I will have a much better feel for just how much of a pain it will be, since I am going to create my first structure this afternoon.
I THINK it will be worth it overall, since you can create EXACTLY the type of design (arches, caves, coverings, etc) for your tank needs.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Alan1
I think I can help you out with the disguising pipes part. You can mix one part portland cement 3 (2 or 1 work, but 3 is apparently better), to five parts CaribSea Aragonite gravel in order to make your own "rockitecture" in order to create any type of design you like in to cover up filters, pipes, etc. The only thing I would warn you about is to make sure that you don't cover up the intake areas of the pipes, etc.

Oh one other "minor" detail. Once you have created your structure, it needs to be placed in a freshwater container for 8 weeks with daily 100% water changes in order to prepare it for the tank. If this is not done, it will kill your tank off due to massive pH increases.
Is it a pain to spend all of that time preparing your structure for tank use? I'm sure it is, and I will have a much better feel for just how much of a pain it will be, since I am going to create my first structure this afternoon.
I THINK it will be worth it overall, since you can create EXACTLY the type of design (arches, caves, coverings, etc) for your tank needs.
This sounds like a great DIY project if you want to go the route of 'no sump'. For my time and money in a reef ready tank I would strongly encourage you to go with a sump or sump/refugium for filtering, temperature control, skimming (if you want) and aeration of the water.
You will get all the pipes out of the tank so you do not even have to worry about covering or hiding them.
Sorry..almost forgot...Welcome to the forum!