Aquarium Smells


Did you make the change slowly, or did you clean out the dolimite and dump in the LS?
Check you amoninia levels. Normally a fishy smell indicates die off. You may have this with the new live sand.Good luck
I did the change all in one day to get it over with. It has been about 2 or more months since the change and the test are nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ammonia 0 ph 8.2 .
Also I have always had eighter red or brownish algae on the substrat ever since I set up the tank back in Nov. I thought the brown algae was only from cycling.
Gosh the only smell in our setup is when you take the top off the skimmer cup[ thats rancid] but other than that no smell, we also changed sub to LS and love it!! :)


your lighting may partly be to blame for the algea. Algea loves the lower light spectrum. With your lights being so yellow that may be part of the problem. How do you account for 0 nitrates that is very rare. Is your test kit accurate? Is your Skimmer working? When was your last water change?
I think the test Kit is accurate. It is the Salitwater Master Liquid Test Kit Made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.The skimmer is working and the last water change was almost a week and a half now. If next someone is going to ask is it RO water and no it is not it is straight from my tap.


tap water is gonna make your algae alot worse. might wanna start doing water changes with RO DI water.

mr . salty

Active Member
Most likly you have a WALMART nearby.Most of them that I have been in have a water machine that,if you look closly at the fine print,IS RO water.


Adam, the RO water is not in the fish department. It is usally in the food department. If your walmart does not have RO the next best thing is Distilled. Always check your water source for nitrates, silicates, copper, phosphate. If all are zero of close with nitrates and silicates it is good water.
PS Did you read that site on lighting?
HTH Darryl


What skimmer? You have cyano on your substrate? The smell if from too much organics = skimmers isn't working or to small. Do you use carbon? You need a better export. it shouldn't smell. And you shouldn't have alga /cyano on the substrate
What is alga/cyano? The protein skimmer seems to be working. It is a Lee's counter current protein skimmer, the medium size. I don't like it it is IN the tank. TNReef i did read the web site and understood most of it.


One thing to consider as far as some of the algae on your sub is additional current in the tank. I had that problem for a while and found that it was caused because of a lack of water flow. I added an additional powerhead and now everything is good. It also will help your bio filtration abilities.