

I did a quick search but couldn't find anything on the forum, so I'm opening a new thread. Basically i'm after an easy to build rock formation for my aquarium, which doesn't seem to be possible without stacking rocks precariously or glueing them together. My lfs sells aquaroche rocks (Website link which are a bit pricey, but visually stunning, quite large and with a intricate structures. Anyone ever used them, and will they eventually match the colours of the other rocks?


I've got 3 Huge live rocks (well 2 really, as the 3rd is right below the powerhead and hasn't managed to grow much just yet), as well as two small ones, i was after something that doesn't require stacking, as I'm not sure that i trust myself, also i'm in the UK so i couldn't order from these, as it'd cost a fortune in postage (if they even do it! :) ) but they do sell it at my lfs, I was just wondering if anyone had tried these, and with me already having live rock, if they'd eventually start growing algae themselves.

Thanks for your help :) if nobody else reports success, i'll have a try at building some structures, terrified of squashing something though! :)


Well-Known Member
If you do research there are many ways of designing and building your own aquascape for a lot cheaper than aquaroche.
I saw aquaroche at a local expo near Chicago a while back. It is awesome looking but, WOW, what a price tag!


I've looked at a few, but not properly, best giving it another look :) Yeah they are stunning, that's what first drew me to them. my lfs sells them in a kit with jawfish too (a small one, like a cave for it to sit in), which is quite handy, for about £120, plus all the food and everything