

New Member
I have a 90 gallon that is going to be a semi-aggressive tank with a lion, trigger, etc, but basically my question is, what kind of items can I put into the tank to help add color? It has about 90lbs of live rock and a sand bed, but I just want some other colors in there. I see alot of websites and books that show nicely filled fish only tanks, but they never actually get into details to what kind of items you can safely put into the tank. Im just basically looking for ideas so I can read more information into it to make sure I do it right
Thanks guys,


Active Member
Some aggressive fish will pick on anemones, but if you get fish that won't nip at anemones, a few condy would make the tank more colorful.
My aggressive had two condy LT anemones in it for two years, despite what people say, they were very hardy. Handled the nitrates fine, and handled the lower light levels fine. Eventually they died when they wandered into the powerhead when the foam came off it.
But first you need to decide on what fish you're looking at, some won't agree with the anemones.


Active Member
Also, buy very high quality LR. My aggressive tank is where I put some of my nicest LR, that way I have a lot of purple coralline algae color, really adds color.


New Member
Hey Moray,
Thanks for the reply. I am using about 90lbs of South Pacific Monano LR. So the Condi type of anonome or what about the candy cane type? Im going with a Lion, trigger, and tang setup, so I just want to get some new color in there and add some additional life. As long as the trigger doesn't rip it apart, it should look good.


Active Member
Sorry, haven't kept Triggers with anemones ever, so I can't help you there. Someone on here can surely answer that though.


Well I have some info for you. I have a huma huma trigger and he never bothered my Condy. I guess it depends on the trigger


New Member
Thanks Drag,
I was planning on either a Huma or a Niger anyway, so I will just keep watch on it and see how it goes.


you could also try some other types of live rock. try some fiji and tonga branch. great colors on those.