hi, there is a thread in fish photography called:
"lets see some rockwork"
there is some cool pics and different styles of rock work in there.
just remeber to keep off the back of the glass aprox 1" for circulation.
also that the rocks need 3 points of contact to be stable.
dont worry if you dont get it right the first time, some people, myself included set up the rocks, look at it, and rearange several times before it is done.
I try to have 3 small rocks in the sand supporting one large rock, this is my base and i work from there. I do this to maximise the sand surface area.
try to make caves and other hiding spaces for your critters.
remember snails are actually really strong and can destabilise small unsupported rocks.
Dont place your foundation rocks on the sand, make sure they are supported by the glass at the bottom of the tank, otherwise your critters can move your sand and destabilise your rock formation! = rocks falling=possible crushing death or cracking tour tank!
hope this helps, again best bet is to look at the picture forum for some great ideas!
ps post a pic when youve got it the way you want it, we'd all love to see what you come up with!