

Active Member
It looks great. I love the cove and the flat rock right above... That will be great for frags in the future


I know that was the first one I pointed out that I wanted!!!
You think ill have enough room for corals??? I could probably put some mushrooms on the flat rock or something/
And Ill have better pics soon its just I had to use my video camera to take a pic because I could find my charger
(but theyre charing now i should post some b4 I walk to school)
Ill keep you all updated! I might be going to get 20 blue legg hermit crabs for cleaning tommorow


Active Member
that looks sweet you should put zoos on the flat rock and monti caps and mushrooms on the hte rugged rocks


That looks really nice. I have the same tank as you.
Why didn't you buy lr on here? It is way cheaper then what you got it for at your lfs.


Originally Posted by fishkid2
That looks really nice. I have the same tank as you.
Why didn't you buy lr on here? It is way cheaper then what you got it for at your lfs.
I didnt know how to cure it first off, and This way I got to choose what pieces to choose.


Here is some High Res pics

Click the first image to get a better image of the full tank aquascape~!


Active Member
Y dont you post your pics on photobucket and then put them on here? Everytime I click on those my pop up blocked blocks like 4 pop ups and then one still sneaks its wasy through


I like it a lot!
Just make sure that it's stable (it looks like it is), so that nothing falls. Also, on the left side it looks like it's kind of close to the side. It may just be the way it looks in the picture, but you'll want to make sure you have room to for a mag float or to scrape the glass.
p.s. I didn't have any trouble with pop-ups when I clicked your links.