AquaStik Epoxy Putty Usage ?


Can someone explain how this stuff is supposed to work? I bought a small rock (maybe 2"x.75") with a just a few multicolored zoo's the other day at a LFS, and found a perfect place on my Live Rock about 2/3 the way to the top (with CF Lights) to place it...I have some of the Aquastik Epoxy Putty, but no directions... I cut a chunk off, kneaded it for a while, tried to stick it on the new rock and stick it to my Live Rock, and it didn't adhere to either side when i stuck it in the water...Just kind of fell off...
When that didn't work, I tried some Super Glue GEL, and that didn't even come close to working.. basically Gel'ed up on the Small rock and didn't stick at all to the Live Rock.
Any suggestions... I think one of my Blue/Green Chromis' "sleeps" near this area, so I think they might be bumping it off at night. But for the Waterflow and Lighting and how the rock "fits", this seems to be about the best place in my tank, so i don't really want to try somewhere else.
Thanks in Advance,

mandarin w

I found the expoxy stuff to be crap. It stinks! and never held to well and it looks ugly, not natural.
Super Glue works great. The thing is that superglue almost instantly cures (drys) as soon as it hits water.
Take the piece of live rock that you want to glue the frag onto out of the tank, get a clean paper towel, pat the rock dry where you want to glue it and then glue to two together. let it sit for a minute and put both back in the tank. Most coral (except sponges) will be ok out of the tank for up to 5 minuts.


Originally Posted by mandarin w
Take the piece of live rock that you want to glue the frag onto out of the tank, get a clean paper towel, pat the rock dry where you want to glue it and then glue to two together. let it sit for a minute and put both back in the tank. Most coral (except sponges) will be ok out of the tank for up to 5 minuts.
Not going to work in this case, at least not to the spot where I want it...The LR where I want to put it is about the size of a cantalope and under 3-4 other mid sizes chunks of LR... the Only way it's coming out is if I TOTALLY redo my whole Rockwork, whihc I'm not willing to do for one small frag of Zoo's...


Active Member
I have used epoxy with success. knead the putty and place it between the two pieces, filling crevices/pores (this is what adheres the rocks) of the rocks and rolling a little over the edge if possible helps. I have had failures with super glue and use epoxy only. I use the gray and it covers over with coralline after time and you won't be able to see it or tell it's was used. One note - turn your skimmer off for a day if you use a lot, it causes my skimmer to run away.


Active Member
I just bought some as well. I kneeded the heck out of and then molded it all underwater. It seems like it is adhering good. After I got my frags in place I pushed around the base to try to fill in all the nooks and crannies. I guess it takes a while to fully cure especially being underwater. Hope this Helps. Nice name by the way!!!!!


Thanks for the Replys... Maybe I didn't KNEAD the stuff long enough or maybe wasn't patient enough for it to harden up. I am going to a 20% Waterchange this weekend and will try the putty again... right now the rock is sitting on the sand and looks "OK", but I think it will do better a little higher up with more light.


Active Member
i used it once and never again..its a great product if you have BONE DRY rock .. then it adheres nicely over a 12 hour period.. but if your rock is evan a "little" damp its junk!


Well... I made a little "Larger" Chunk of the Putty... worked it good and slammed the little Rock Chunk onto it and placed onto my Live Rock where I wanted it to stay... It's now been a few weeks and its still steady and I don't think it's going anywhere (I tried to wiggle last time I cleaned the tank)... It was kind of a greyish, whiteish color when it started and sort of stood out, but now it's starting to turn the colors of everything else on my Live Rock, so it should be OK with some time... I can try to Post a pic later this evening...


Active Member
I have used it before, and while it does work great. It makes my skimmer go nuts like said before. You have to knead it for about two minutes to get it to work and you have to get it into the pores of the rocks. It doesn't seem to hold well on flat spots.


Active Member
Works great for me... I knead it until it starts to get real sticky.
What I've noticed is that it needs to be pushed firmly in place and not moved for 30 minutes or so.. then it should be rock solild.


I just used it to place a couple of small rocks with polyps on it, I just kneaded it until it was really sticky, dry'd off the little piece of rock squished it on the back of it with a little ball and then placed it on the live rock in the DT but made sure there was holes and such for the stuff to squish thur, works great if you do that.