aquatic life systems simmer


Does anyone know anything about these? I cant seem to find much online, and the website says coming soon... The label says "Aggressor III AHVS-90"
I picked it up yesterday from a friend for $20. I plan on using it as an in-sump skimmer for my 72 gallon. It says its a hang on skimmer, but i dont see why i couldnt use it in sump. Also, it didnt come with a pump, what pump should i get for it?



I still have the ss65. Its working great in my 29 gallon, which is going to be my girlfriends when i get the 72 gallon set up.
Do you think i could some how weigh it down so it wont float?

sign guy

Active Member
possably but that skimmer is a pretty basic design. im not sure its a good design eather. did your friend say how it runs?


haha, if i am hungry at this time of the night, i eat ice cream... but then again i could eat it at any time.
The guy i bought it from didnt actually ever use it. He bought it from someone else, and then decided not to use it. So i really have no idea how it runs, but for $20 i figured it was worth a shot if it worked, if not, then i am only out $20


the intake hose doesnt have any measurements on it, but my rough measurement makes me say its 1/2" i.d.
The whole unit is 21" tall, the main chamber is about 13.75"


I was actually thinking that would be the pump to go with, but figured i would ask first... thanks.
How was the waffle house?


Yeah, I am excited too, I even thought about pulling off the ss65, and putting it on my 29 gallon tank, just to see how it goes. It will be a few months untill the 72 is up and running

sign guy

Active Member
Im thinking of setting up my 125 next week. I thought about waiting and setting up the 300 and the 125 at the same time but I need to see if any thing comes up with this new house that I may need to spend the money on.


thats what is holding me back, We are looking to buy a house in the next few months, so i figure no point in setting it up now, just to tear it down in a few months. plus it keeps me patient, and not rushing into things.


bah... i just noticed my title says simmer as opposed to skimmer... oh well. I am off to bed, thanks again for your help
and to anyone else that reads this... any experience with this skimmer?