

Has anyone ever use this araga milk? the LFS reccomended it and said they use it on their tanks, which are beautiful tanks by the way. They also told me that they add it sraight to the tanks. On the back of the bottle it doesn't say not to but then again it doesn't say that you should either. Just wondering if anyone that has used it has any comments on this supplement. Thanks in advance.

rabid frog

Active Member
I use agramilk in my tank... I does it about every other day and I dose it a drop per gallon, good thing about agramilk is that you cant over dose it :)


New Member
I use it in my system, after some investigation. It did help raise my Calcium (would tend to drift below 400). I dose it when I go to bed, that way I don't have to look at the cloudy tank. :) It's clear by the morning.
There's been several posts regarding Aragamilk, but usually misspelled as "Agramilk". Do a search for either spelling and you'll come up with several informative threads.
Have fun,


I use aragamilk and have been for some time now. I like it, it does keep the calcium up good and I also put it in at night. You can also use the Kent product that's out Liquid Reactor. Although very similar, the only problem with it that I found was you had to shake it up very vigorously all the time or it will settle and when you get finished with it you end up with a glob at the bottom. Yes you can put some RO water in it and use it but I think it wouldn't have the same effect. Not an expert, just my exp. maybe someone else can tell you different.You do have to shake the aragamilk up but just not the same.
Hope this helps