Aragonite sand or just plain sand?


Could someone please help me? I'm kinda confused in the sand department. I'm looking at 2 different sites one offering "Aragonite sand" for over $40 shippin and all and another offering $17 black Tahitian Moon sand. I'd really like to save my money and go w/ the second choice. Or there's a third w/ grey substrate thats $15? Which one should I pick? I can't find any sand locally so online seems to be my only option. I'll have live rock in my tank to seed the sand. Thanks for the help, Rogue


I personaly would do a 50/50 mix this way the critters that burrow through the sand will be happy and the Agraniote will provide a little better look. just my personal preferance.


thanks... just wondering is there anyway possible to add sand like by using plastic bags and then openin them in the tank? I'm just setting mine up so I'm trying to find options


Active Member
the black tahaitan moon is aragonite i think. The $40 is more expensive because it is probably live. I personally think that buying live sand is one of the hugest wastes of money you can make in this hobby. Just buy either plain (dead, unseeded, base, whatever you want to call it) aragonite sand, or the tahaitan moon sand. It will eventually turn live from your rock and fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by rogueangel
thanks... just wondering is there anyway possible to add sand like by using plastic bags and then openin them in the tank? I'm just setting mine up so I'm trying to find options
you can use a funnel and tube and pour it into the tank where you want it. works pretty well. opening the bag in the tank isnt the best idea as it will cause a huge sand storm. Plus, you really need to rinse off your sand before you put it in the tank. You would be amazed at how much crap comes off of it!


i would have to agree with the statement above. it is true but will take a short while if your willing to wait.


I hear a good way of rinsing sand is take the sand and put it in a 5 gallon bucket, and use the water from a water change and add a gallon or so of water, now agitate it with something and dump the cloudy water out...repeat several times and then your ready to go.


Active Member
theres no way around washign sand... it sucks! especially if you have a huge tank and alot of sand. BUT it is very important as stated above or it will never become nice and clear water!!


Originally Posted by the_fish
i would have to agree with the statement above. it is true but will take a short while if your willing to wait.
There is the one benefit to buying "Live sand", it comes wet and it is easier to put into the tank without clouding the tank. I have a 220 gallon tank, started off with CC and then switched to live sand. I put 100 pounds of live sand in with just about no clouding. I slit the top of the bags, submerged them in the tank to the bottom, layed them flat on the bottom and then slowely dumped them out. Slight clouding, completely gone within an hour or two. I am far from a pro, just my experience. The only thing I can add is that I only had LR and hardy fish at the time. I cannot say how this would affect a tank with corals or more delicate fish delicate fish. I have since added another 40 lbs, with the same experience.


I'm just planning my tank out. I start actually tanking next week. I pick up my 12 gal this weekend. Me and my roomies are so excited. I can't wait to get my tank set up and cycled, but I wanna be smart as get advice b4 I do anything really dumb. And their psyched cuz they get to watch and help out for free. I ordered 20lbs of the Taitian Sand by the way. only cost $30


yah I know. I'm gonna get live rock and seed it. It's WAY cheaper that way. I don't wanna sound like a penny pincher but yah now college girl and all lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
theres no way around washign sand... it sucks! especially if you have a huge tank and alot of sand. BUT it is very important as stated above or it will never become nice and clear water!!
that all depends on your filtration.. it would still clear up with a carbon filter.. Been there, done that, didnt rinse my sand, was clear the next day

Also, I dumped ls in my tank on top of my other sand, and it still clouds the water.. just be patient, the water will clear up.. I couldnt think of a way to rinse sand.. lol dummy me!
but i have a convertible canister filter that cleared it right up in a 75 gallon, overnight.. crystal clear now..


What do I do about water changes? When will I have to do them and how much do I swap out? Will I use RO water or will I have to mix it up too?