

New Member
I just started up my tank again. Its a 30 gallon high. I added aragonite to the bottom. I have it at about 2 - 3 inches. Is this too much or too little? Please let me know, because I have heard that gas can accumulate under the substrate if water does not get to it. Thannks


depends on the size of the grains. a deep sand bed which is good is between 4 and 6" if it is almost like sand. it creates anaerobic zones which actually help reduce nitrates.


Active Member
I would go 3-4".
Water will get to the bottom. Oxigen is what will be void down near the bottom. That is good. It breaks down nitrate to a gas and will bubble out of the tank. It's more complex than that, if you do a search you can prolly get the whole story.


New Member
Is there any risk with what I have now? Has anyone killed their fish with too much / little sand?


Active Member
no, noone that i know of has killed their fish, but enough will help with water quality. too little will not. and too much is merely over kill