Arctica - Titanium Chiller 1/10HP in-line


Active Member
Wow, that is a good deal. I don't know if it is too big or not, I wouldn't think so but wait for others opinions. Where do you find this stuff, seriously?


its overkill, but it wouldnt harm anything, i know a few people who run 1/10's on 24g cubes... It'll work fine, won't over-work itself, possibly helping it "extend the life of the chiller" .... and at $150.... Not bad at all..
My question is, why the hell do you need a chiller in Michigan :p I need one down here in Miami, send it down here!!!!


Active Member
LOL well, the MH causes alot of heat. When it comes on temp raises about 2-3 degrees. I know its not a huge issue right now, but once summer comes i want to be ready


why dont you run a fan like me bro. it would be much cheaper, not as bad on ur electric bill.. and wil work fine.. remember my heat issues?..


Active Member
Killer deal on a chiller... lol I'd think about reselling it for a profit and trying a fan first to keep the temp more even but I wouldn't be against using it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
why dont you run a fan like me bro. it would be much cheaper, not as bad on ur electric bill.. and wil work fine.. remember my heat issues?..
Got a pic of how you got your set up?
Originally Posted by jackri

Killer deal on a chiller... lol I'd think about reselling it for a profit and trying a fan first to keep the temp more even but I wouldn't be against using it.
Not a bad idea