Are 3 pumps too much?


I am trying to hookup my protein skimmer and uv sterilizer in my 75 gal fish only tank.(Going to have a tang, angel, and butterfly) In my sump I have a return pump for(drilled hole in bottom of tank).(I can't tap into this hose to run it though the uv) LFS told me I shouldn't have more than two pumps in my sump, so I tried to use one pump and run the water through the skimmer first and then through the uv, but that didn't work. The uv sat up to high (can't lower it) water couldn't get to it. So my questions are, should I run the uv sterilizer off it's own powerhead?( three pumps in my sump plus my heaters) Should I not use the uv at all? If I should run the uv how often should it run? When the uv isn't running should I continue to run water through it to keep water from just sitting in the unit, or won't standing water in the unit hurt it? Thanks
I'm running (1) Mag-7, (1) MaxiJet-1200 and (2) MaxiJet-900's in my sump, as well as (1) MaxiJet-600, (1) MaxiJet-900, and (1) MaxiJet-1200 in the tank...


IMO I would run 2 pumps for your application. I would run one independantly for the skimmer because they need presure to work properly. I dont feel the need for UV at all, but if you got it might as well use it. Unless you can return it or sell it. T the UV fiter off of the main return line and have it runing back into the sump. UV needs to be used properly to prevent the SPREAD of ick. To use it effectively you have to look at 3 things. Water volume (tank size), Wattage of bulb, and contact time. Follow the manufacurers recomendation for it.


I can probably fit one big return pump and two or three power head pumps. Using a T off the return pump won't work until I get a bigger pump.