Are actinics important?


New Member
Are actinics important? or just for looks? what is supplement lighting? I have a 96w actinic and a 96w 10k. Is my tank only rated a 96w, does the actinic spectrum do anything? If I had a choice between 2 actinics or 2 10k which would be better? Thanks!:D :confused: :D

billy ocean

Actinic bulbs are great. They have a color spectrum more condusive to the light fish,inverts,coral,etc. receive in the wild, mid to deep water, where many of the species in this trade are harvested from.
If you are running NO or VHO or PC you probably want to plan for half 'n' half(actinic/10k(or20k)). If you decide on more powerful lighting, like MH or MV(and yes, I said MV, it works), then you should use actinics as supplemental lighting.


Active Member

Originally posted by fizztech
If I had a choice between 2 actinics or 2 10k which would be better? Thanks!:D :confused: :D

One of each would be the most asthetically pleasing, and as long as you avoid the 7100K fake actinics mentioned by Kip, you'll be alright.