Are all these inverts ok together?


hi, i recently re-established my tank and have the water parameters at near perfect so here is a list of inverts i was thinking of adding and want 2 know if they r compatible with eachother.
I currently have a yellow watchmen goby, 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 royal gramma, and 3 scarlet hermits. i have a 29 gal
what I am thinking of getting:
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
10 blue leg hermits
10 nasarius snails
10 turbos
1 feather duster
1 porcelain crab
1 sally lightfoot
1 lettuce nudi
3 peppermint shrimp (come free with order)
It's fine as long as you don't have a coral banded shrimp because it will get very aggressive towards tank mates and eat other shrimp and small fish.


Active Member
IMO opinion dont go with the hermits they will kill eachother and most likley go for your snails, but everythign else looks good


Active Member
I would deep six the Sally lightfoot. Have read a lot of people have problems with them as they get bigger. Otherwis looks good depending on what size your tank is you may need more or less.


Staff member
IMO, hermit crabs are always a bad choice when snails are present. And snails, especially nass snails, are worth their weight in gold, whereas hermits do little but kill other inverts, and disrupt the rock work.


well i already put in my order last night anyways.....I decided not 2 get the hermits though cus they seem pointless since w/e they do the snails will probably do better and i've been reading on message boards about the problems ppl have with them with snails. I got the sallylightfoot though. what problems can it cause when it gets bigger, like will it attack the fish or what?