Are Aptaisa's Good?


New Member
Hi, I am fiarly new to the Saltwater thing, I have had my tank up for @2yrs now and I am getting lots of aptaisa's, My wife kinda likes the look of them, but I am thinking that they are getting to be a pest. so I just bought 2 pep. shrimp to try and fix the problem, but nothing yet. Are these bad to have? if so is there a better way of getting rid of these? I have heard of usings a concentrated solution of Kalkwasser


Originally Posted by JBrundige
Hi, I am fiarly new to the Saltwater thing, I have had my tank up for @2yrs now and I am getting lots of aptaisa's, My wife kinda likes the look of them, but I am thinking that they are getting to be a pest. so I just bought 2 pep. shrimp to try and fix the problem, but nothing yet. Are these bad to have? if so is there a better way of getting rid of these? I have heard of usings a concentrated solution of Kalkwasser
Aptaisa X They will sting other inhabitants


Active Member
If you have a fish only tank and like them.... they are great filter feeders. They also however, as you are finding out, can take over a tank... soooo.. if you want corals it's best to try and get rid of them as they are more of a nuissance than anything else.
Fish only, if you like them.... sure why not? The super kalk water should do the trick -- don't expect the peppermints to control them even if they are known to eat them.. my 4 never did.

vinny p

peps wont eat them unless they have to. if there is sufficient food for them they wont even bother with em. try vinegar using a siringe
If you want to save money and pick and choose which ones to keep, I use a syringe with water from the tank that I boil on the stove and then suck it into the syringe and squirt them with it. It literally burns them up immediatley, and it does not effect the temp if done in a small amount, plus your using water taken from you aquarium already. It has worked well for me for years without buying product. I use a antibiotic syringe without a needle on it. Good luck!


Originally Posted by Saltandpepper
If you want to save money and pick and choose which ones to keep, I use a syringe with water from the tank that I boil on the stove and then suck it into the syringe and squirt them with it. It literally burns them up immediatley, and it does not effect the temp if done in a small amount, plus your using water taken from you aquarium already. It has worked well for me for years without buying product. I use a antibiotic syringe without a needle on it. Good luck!

Exactly what I did and I have not seen them since!!
You can even use a turkey baster!


If you want corals they will sting it to death. You don't want them in the tank. I use Joes juice. Feed it a tiny drop and its gone forever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltandpepper
If you want to save money and pick and choose which ones to keep, I use a syringe with water from the tank that I boil on the stove and then suck it into the syringe and squirt them with it. It literally burns them up immediatley, and it does not effect the temp if done in a small amount, plus your using water taken from you aquarium already. It has worked well for me for years without buying product. I use a antibiotic syringe without a needle on it. Good luck!

Yep, I actually took care of 1 or 2 small colonies of mojanos just this past week the same way. I don't see any sign of recurrence (yet



Originally Posted by jackri
If you have a fish only tank and like them.... they are great filter feeders. They also however, as you are finding out, can take over a tank... soooo.. if you want corals it's best to try and get rid of them as they are more of a nuissance than anything else.
He's right they're a sign of a healthy tank and if you don't have any corals they do help filter bad stuff from tank...
if you leave them unchecked as I did in my combination "bad boy" and QT, they really do take over.
Every surface of all my LR, the PHs, filter tubes, glass, everything

I do
have a pipefish in there that I never have to feed 'cause he's always chowing down on the aiptaisia.