Are Clown Fish Jumpers?!


i have two B&W clownfish, i've had them since they were babies, for a long while now, they were a pair, i gave them their own 29 gallon reef, had their own anemone and everything!! Their names were Lynard & Skynard.
I woke up this morning to find the big one (Lynard) dried up dead by my bed where the fish tank was. I am very deeply saddened. These two were truly my favorite fish. They would swim next to me while i was on my bed doing homework, reading, watching tv, etc..and they would just stay there..just like a dog or cat! And even when i put my finger in the tank they both would swim around my finger and nibble at it!!
And now Lynard is gone! Does anyone have any idea what could have happened??? I fed them before I went to bed and they were fine! This is going to be a horrible day..


Been there done that.
I had an ocellaris that went missing. I couldn't find it anywhere one morning so I came home that evening after work, and still couldn't find it.
I go to find my tank and find an ocellaris had been sunbathing on my glass lid (under my P.C. lights). Needless to say he was a little baked


wow i had no idea or i would have closed the top of the tank off...i've had them for years and they've never done anything like this!! how long will it take the smaller male to change ---? i think i'm gonna wind up buying another B&W one to make another pair, i never thought i'd be so attatched t a fish!

I have class now tho, but i found this one B&W at the LFS and it was really unique, the fish's outline was in white..i might buy it..i dunno.


I had one jump out and even had a cover on it, he made it through the back where the filtration comes in. His little buddy would pick on him when the lights went out, I guess he got tired of being pick on. I only had the 2 B&W clowns, now there is just one.


Active Member
15 years and I have never had a clownfish jump. I have had them die, but not jump. I find it weird that everyone else has. For eveyone else, what kind of clownfish were they?


I was pouring water in another tank beside my display tank, and my oce clown jumped out. Fortunatly I saw it in time to place him in the tank. He was fine, but I guess the noise of the water being poured in the other tank startled them.


mine was never picked or harassed, the two B&W percs were the only two in the tank, and the one that jumped was the larger female, but there was never any aggression between the two, they were a perfect pair

reef bug

I had a percula go missing a few months ago.
I think I have a manits (or some other evil hitchhiker) and assumed that's what happened to the clown...
My tank has a hood with only a tiny space to get out through the back. I never would have guessed that any fish could make that leap. The angle would be nearly impossible to make the leap out of the tank.
Then....I found the dried percula corpse two weeks later.


ok, although it will not be the same, i'm going to purchase a new B&W perc, how long will it take the male left in the tank to change to female? i'm trying to get a time frame here to when i need to pick up a new fish.