are clown gobies hard to keep alive? and a goby question...


the guy at the LFS told me that and i thought i should do some research on it.
also, on another thread on gobies it says that you shouldn't have more than one of a certain species. we have a reef tank and were thinking of stocking it with a few types of gobies, but don't want any of them harmed.
anyone know about this type of thing?


I have an engineer goby, 2 firefish gobies, and a citron clown goby. They get along. Engineer made a cool tunnel, the 2 firefish hang out together & the citron hides in the corals. I have had them all together for quite awhile. The engineer was one of the first fish I bought. Hope this helps:)


Active Member
i have a purple firefish, 2 yellow clown gobies, 1 green clown goby and a yellow watchman goby and they all get along fine. imo clown gobies are very easy to keep, so far i have had mine for 5 months, 4 months, and 2 weeks.


Most gobies as long as they have enough room are ok to keep. Blennies sometimes confused as gobies you can't really keep more than one of them together (a few can). But gobies are very hardy so I thnik you would be happy with one.