are clowns better in pairs??


We just got our first fish, black ocellaris and he is looking way sad or something. just swims around the top of the tanks at the very edge, lap after lap. We dont really have anything for him to host as we have limited corals since we just started. Do you think i should get him a buddy/girlfriend? or would we be better off getting him something to host? I wouldnt really mind either way, he is deffinetly an awesome fish. and something decent sized and hearty for him to host would probably cost almost as much as another. let me know what you guys think. Thanks a lot. also as a note, we dont want to get an anemone. to small of a tank, so what other things could he host.

payton 350

I don't know if they are happier as a pair , but if you want to get one for it , i would.....don't worry about hosting an anemone....they don't need it and will host anything....probably your powerhead.
Is it a baby or grown up already?


its still a baby, probably an 1.25 in long. is there anyway to tell the difference between the males and the females? or will the submissive one just switch if its a male also? plus im not sure if my guy would host anything, I think he would have to stop to do that, unless he thinks he is hosting the entire top edge of the tank.

payton 350

since it's still small you could get another the same size or smaller. they both will start as males and eventually one will grow bigger than the other and become the female.
telling the difference,,,,i;m sure there is but in the home aquarium the smaller one will always be male.
it took about a year and a half before any of mine truly hosted anything. but he powerheads are their favorite spot to be.


the power head thing is kinda crazy. Im my freshwater that is where the beat up fish always hides. I think i may try to get another one. would it be alright if the new one we got is bigger? since our guy is pretty small.