I should say on the other hand....they are VERY cool fish, and they are very peaceful to other fish. They have a personality that few fish have, and always stay out front and come to you when you approach the tank. Toxin? we all know it's there, but I have NEVER seen it. I even had a queen angel tear a cowfish apart to the point he had flesh hanging off everywhere on his body.........still no toxins..or atleast nothing noticable. The cowfish eventually healed with scars, and nothing ever died in the tank. I do think the toxin scare is over rated, but I don't think these guys are reef safe AT ALL, and they do grow to almost two feet long.......cool fish, but if the folks with them keep them healthy.....99 percent will have to take them back eventually. They will end up needing atleast 300 gallon tanks in my opinion when full grown at two feet long, and that is only because they swim slow and don't need the space an active two foot long fish would.