Are dwarf lions always this lazy?


I got a dwarf Zebra Lion a week ago, and I know they are pretty lazy, but my guy hangs upside down all day, and I feed him live ghost shrimp (I know I have to break him of this, but he wasn't eating, and it is what they fed him at the store, and he ate them immediatly when I put them in). Other than eating, he just hangs upside down in the cave. He has no other tankmates right now, so will he break this habit sooner or later, or will he be a couch potato the rest of his life lol. He is an awsome fish though, it is fun to watch him hunt the shrimp down.


dwarf lionfish are shy creatures, it will take longer than a week for it to feel completely comfortable. should be more active in a matter of months, but will still do lots of sitting.


Active Member
My fuzzy dwarf is very very active in my tank. I know that the zebras are a little less active however. Just give him time though.

shark bait

Originally Posted by TennisAce
Other than eating, he just hangs upside down in the cave. .

Maybe you got a bat fish :hilarious
They are active but at first he could have no reason to move if the tank is empty, and good job of making him the first fish, if you get hi eating right he will have a better chance when you add more fish that will fight for his food.