Are Fish Territorial?


This may sound like a dumb question, but since I am a newbie I want to cover all the basics. I am going to be setting up a reef Tank and wanted opinions on what fish to add first. Do you wait to add the more aggressive fish last letting the more docile fish build up a territory or does it not matter.


Active Member
try to get all communtiy fish that are peacfull, yes some fish can be very territorial to the point of killing fish like the dottybacks for them it doesnt matter if you add them last they can bullie everyone in your tank, plan on what fish you want to keep and research them and ask questions and find out if they'll work for you


Active Member
Some fish are and some dont care. And yes add the more peaceful fish first and the more agressive fish last. But note if your gonna have agressive fish in your tank then you probly wont want to have peaceful fish cause they will get bullied.