Are flame angels difficult to keep?


I lost a flame angel over a month ago. Couldn't figure out why. Left the tank as it was for a month and ordered a flame from this web site. The flame arrived last week, no problem. I acclimated for 3 hours and placed him in the tank, no problem. This was two weeks ago. This morning I found him laying on his side breathing heavily. He did attempt to swim away but failed. Are flame angels difficult to keep? I have a 90 gallon FOWLR
yellow tang
small huma
p fridmani
six line
water parameters
0 ammonia (probably not for long when the fish dies)
0 nitrite
< 20 nitrate
PH 8.3


Active Member
I've never had a problem keeping one, and I know several others that have never had a problem. Maybe there isn't enough algae for him to graze on? How much LR do you have? Was he eating at all, and if so was he eating well? They do prefer good water quality, and most recommend that the tank established for at least 6 months before trying to add 1.


Angels really do better in a tank that is at least 6 months old. Mine was eating the day I put got him and comes to the top at feeding time. I had one before this that would not eat anything except graze on rocks for the first few weeks, but after a month started to eat brine and later mysis.


I lost a couple of flame angels before getting one to settle in my community tank. I started putting my new fish in a lg intank guppy breeder net post acclimation for 6 or 7 days. This has decreased my new fish losses completely. New fish dont handle stress well and may die if they are chased by aggressive tankmates or not getting enough of the right foods. Angels also require excellent water quality/lots of LR to thrive longterm.


My tank has been up for over 6 years with 130-140 pounds LR.Everything else seems to do fine...I just haven't had luck this go round with the flame.:notsure: