I lost a flame angel over a month ago. Couldn't figure out why. Left the tank as it was for a month and ordered a flame from this web site. The flame arrived last week, no problem. I acclimated for 3 hours and placed him in the tank, no problem. This was two weeks ago. This morning I found him laying on his side breathing heavily. He did attempt to swim away but failed. Are flame angels difficult to keep? I have a 90 gallon FOWLR
yellow tang
small huma
p fridmani
six line
water parameters
0 ammonia (probably not for long when the fish dies)
0 nitrite
< 20 nitrate
PH 8.3
yellow tang
small huma
p fridmani
six line
water parameters
0 ammonia (probably not for long when the fish dies)
0 nitrite
< 20 nitrate
PH 8.3